sábado, 18 de octubre de 2014

Love at first sight

Magazine article
Love at first sight
Love at first sight, I think it´s a dangerous thing, because you don´t know the other person and you don´t know anything about the person. But love, in my opinion, it´s the best emotion, because love never finishes.
The love at first sight, it´s better for some persons, because they have never had a relationship, but for other persons, it´s worse, because they can think before that the other person is in love just his money. This is very painful.
I think that the love at first sight is difficult, because it´s possible to fall in love and I don´t trust anybody.
There are some occasions that love at first sight is a wonderful thing, because there are persons who have never had a relationship with other person who they don’t know.
I want to advise people that they must be careful with other persons.

1 comentario:

  1. Este artículo sirve para informar a las personas del amor a primera vista y aconsejarles que vayan con cuidado porque uno no sabe con quien se topa. Por ello,
    no hay que fiarse de nadie la primera vez, porque muchas veces es por interés.
